Calgary Eye Exams - Night Vision Bailey-Lovie Contrast Acuity Testing
The Bailey-Lovie Contrast Sensitivity Test evaluates both normal and low contrast distance vision. It ensures consistency by keeping the number of letters per row the same, with proportional spacing and a fixed size ratio, making letter size the primary variable. This structure allows for a reliable assessment of visual acuity, particularly in challenging conditions like low-light environments, such as nighttime driving, where contrast sensitivity plays a crucial role.
Police Recruitment Night Vision Testing in Calgary
Bailey-Lovie contrast acuity testing is only required if an applicant had corrective surgery

Corrective surgery procedure types that make this testing necessary:
Corneal Refractive Surgery - Allowed
Pseudophakic Intra-Ocular Lenses - Allowed
Phakic Intra-Ocular Lens Implants (Piol) - Certain designs are allowed
Orthokeratology, Corneal Transplants, and Intra-Stromalcorneal Rings - Not allowed
Vision Standards for Calgary Police Officer Applicants
Obtain minimum scores on at least 2 of the 3 following tests (all testing is done binocularly with, or without any spectacle or contact lens correction):
Bailey-Lovie Low Contrast Acuity in Room Illumination: minimum acuity of 0.20 logMAR
Bailey-Lovie High Contrast Acuity in Dim Illumination: minimum acuity of 0.30 logMAR
Bailey-Lovie Low Contrast Acuity in Dim Illumination: minimum acuity of 0.58 logMAR