Experienced Calgary Optometrists At Our Eye Clinic In Southcentre Mall Are Considering EyeXpress For Dry Eye Treatment - Learn Why

Dry eye disease (DED) is a prevalent condition that affects millions worldwide, impairing quality of life and vision. Emerging as a novel solution to this pervasive problem is EyeXpress, an innovative dry eye treatment now being considered by experienced Calgary Optometrists at our state-of-the-art Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall.

The focus of this article is on EyeXpress and its role in DED management. Grounded in advanced technology, EyeXpress targets the root causes of DED - a deficit in tear production or rapid tear evaporation, often due to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). The treatment combines warmth therapy and gentle massaging action to improve the function of these critical glands, an approach that has shown promising results in improving both subjective symptoms and tear film quality.

Importantly, each EyeXpress treatment plan is customized to the individual patient's needs, ensuring a personalized care experience. This tailored approach has been instrumental in delivering effective and long-lasting relief for dry eye sufferers.

If you're grappling with persistent dryness, irritation, redness, or blurred vision - typical symptoms of DED - then it might be time to explore EyeXpress. As we delve into the specifics of this cutting-edge therapy, we'll also highlight why choosing our experienced Calgary Optometrists for your dry eye treatment could be your crucial step towards lasting comfort and clarity in vision. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall today to book a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes with one of our Calgary Eye Doctors.

Understanding Dry Eye Disease and Its Prevalence in Calgary

Dry Eye Disease (DED) affects millions globally and is characterized by insufficient tear production or rapid evaporation. This imbalance can lead to persistent symptoms like dryness, irritation, redness, and blurred vision. Aging, hormonal changes, and autoimmune disorders are some of the many factors that contribute to this condition's onset.

DED's impact extends beyond physical discomfort - it can interfere with common activities like reading, driving, working on a computer or even just enjoying the outdoors.

Calgary's unique challenge with dry eye disease lies in its climate and environment. The city's cold and dry weather causes tears to evaporate faster than they are produced. The infamous Chinook winds further exacerbate the arid conditions. Additionally, Calgary's high altitude speeds up tear evaporation. Collectively, these environmental factors have resulted in an elevated prevalence of DED among Calgary residents.

Our team of experienced Calgary Optometrists at our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic are well aware of these challenges and have equipped themselves with innovative treatments like EyeXpress to combat DED effectively. If you are looking for a dry eye exam assessment, keep in mind the eye exam cost in Calgary for such an appointment is covered under Alberta Health Care.

EyeXpress: An Innovative Approach to Treating Dry Eyes

EyeXpress stands out as a groundbreaking therapy, expressly designed to address the foundational issues leading to dry eye syndrome. This technology forges a new path in the treatment of Dry Eye Disease (DED) by focusing on restoring meibomian gland function—a common underlying problem in those affected by this condition.

How EyeXpress Works:

  • Warmth Therapy: EyeXpress employs controlled warmth to the eyelids, precisely heating the meibomian glands. This warmth is crucial for melting the solidified oils within the glands that contribute to DED.

  • Gentle Massaging Action: Alongside warmth, EyeXpress administers a soft, rhythmic massage. This combination not only alleviates blockages but also stimulates the natural secretion of oils needed for a healthy tear film.

  • Meibomian Gland Function: The meibomian glands play an essential role in maintaining eye moisture. By producing oils that form the top layer of the tear film, these glands prevent rapid tear evaporation. EyeXpress specifically targets these glands to enhance overall eye health and comfort.

By integrating warmth and massaging action, EyeXpress goes beyond mere symptom relief. Offering a non-invasive procedure, it provides patients with a soothing experience while effectively revitalizing crucial aspects of ocular surface health. Through its innovative approach, this treatment holds promise for those seeking lasting relief from the persistent and often debilitating symptoms associated with dry eyes. Find a Calgary eye clinic near you that offers this service, and request to chat with their best Optometrist to find out if this is a good dry eye treatment for you. A dry eye exam may be recommended, but remember the eye exam cost in Alberta for this is covered under Alberta Health Care.

The Advantages of Choosing Dry Eye Treatment at Our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic

Discovering the benefits of dry eye treatment at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall begins with understanding our Eye Doctor’s ability to offer comprehensive relief from dry eye disease. Use of innovative therapy targets not just the symptoms, but the root cause of dry eye disease, effectively treating both aspects.

One notable feature is the personalized treatment approach taken by our experienced Calgary Optometrists. Each patient has a unique story, different needs, and specific symptoms. By tailoring the treatment to each individual's specific condition, our team ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction. Call to book a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes today.

Key Benefits of EyeXpress:

  • Comprehensive relief: Targets both symptoms and underlying causes of dry eye disease.

  • Personalized approach: Treatment tailored to each patient's specific needs.

  • Experienced Care: Provided by our team of seasoned Calgary Optometrists.

Our Calgary Eye Clinic near you has been at the forefront of integrating innovative technologies for dry eye treatment into its practice. With a focus on delivering state-of-the-art therapies and personalized care plans, we strive to give our patients the best possible outcomes.

The journey towards lasting comfort and clarity in vision can be challenging, but with advanced treatments options like EyeXpress, it becomes more manageable and hopeful. Now let's delve deeper into how long this treatment's effectiveness lasts and when you should consider it as your next step.

How Long Does the Effectiveness of EyeXpress Last?

Patients who are looking for relief from dry eye symptoms often ask how long the effects of an EyeXpress treatment will last. The answer depends on different factors, such as how severe the dry eye condition is, the patient's lifestyle, and how well they follow the recommended aftercare. Generally, after an EyeXpress treatment, patients can see immediate improvements in tear film stability and meibomian gland function.

Understanding the Duration of Treatment Effectiveness

Here are some important points to know about how long the effects of EyeXpress last:

  1. Immediate Relief: Patients usually feel better right after their EyeXpress session, with a noticeable reduction in discomfort.

  2. Long-Term Benefits: The benefits of the treatment can continue for weeks or even months, helping to keep the eyes comfortable and the surface healthy.

  3. Follow-Up Care: To maintain the best results, our eye doctors may suggest follow-up sessions. How often these sessions are needed depends on how well the patient responds to treatment and their ongoing evaluation. The eye exam cost in Calgary for these follow ups is covered under Alberta Health Care, thus making it a free eye exam with coverage.

Managing Dry Eyes Over Time

For long-term management of dry eyes, here's what we do:

  • Personalized Plan: Each patient gets a treatment plan designed just for them. This plan includes recommendations for maintenance sessions to keep their glands working well and reduce symptoms.

  • Staying Ahead: Regular eye exams allow our eye doctors to adjust the treatment schedule if needed. This helps us catch any changes in symptoms or lifestyle that could make dry eyes worse.

By adding EyeXpress to a complete plan for managing dry eyes, Calgary Eye Doctors help patients find lasting relief from their symptoms. The common symptoms include red eye, itchy eye, blurry vision, burning sensation, and other dry eye problems.

When Should You Consider EyeXpress as the Next Step?

Managing dry eye disease can sometimes feel like a never-ending journey, especially when the usual treatments don't work. For many people, things like hot compresses, eye drops, and lid wipes may not be enough to ease their symptoms. That's where EyeXpress can help.

EyeXpress is most helpful when:

  1. Traditional treatments like dry eye hot compresses or dry eye drops don't give enough relief.

  2. The problem keeps happening even though you're doing everything you can like cleaning your eyelids and taking dry eye omega 3 supplements.

  3. The dryness and irritation really bother you and make it hard to do everyday things.

  4. You need something that treats the main cause of dry eye disease, especially a problem with your oil glands called meibomian gland dysfunction.

For people who don't get better with normal treatments, EyeXpress doesn't just help with symptoms but also deals with what's causing the dry eyes. It might be a good next step if you want a complete way to manage your ongoing dry eye issues.

It's important to talk to an eye doctor before you try any new treatment. Our skilled Calgary Optometrists at our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic know a lot about this condition and can check how bad yours is. They can also give you advice on if EyeXpress would work well for you. We have walk-in eye exams for dry eyes available every day. Remember this eye exam cost in Calgary is covered under Alberta Health Care, thus removing another obstacle.

EyeXpress vs Manual Gland Expressions: Understanding the Difference

The management of dry eye disease (DED) has shifted from traditional treatments like manual gland expressions (MGE) to newer solutions such as EyeXpress. This change is driven by a desire to improve patient comfort and treatment effectiveness.

Manual Gland Expressions (MGE)

MGE is a conventional technique performed by Calgary Optometrists to manually clear blocked meibomian glands. However, this method has its limitations:

  • It can cause discomfort for patients due to the pressure applied on their eyelids during the procedure.

  • While MGE may provide temporary relief in some cases, it doesn't address the underlying cause of DED.

  • There's also a risk of recurrence if the root cause isn't treated alongside MGE.

Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall Calgary to book a meibomian gland expression with one of our experienced Optometrists.

EyeXpress Treatment

EyeXpress, on the other hand, uses a different approach to manage DED:

  • It applies continuous warmth to the eyelids, which helps regulate temperature and soften meibum (an oily substance produced by the glands).

  • This gentle heat, combined with massage techniques, helps unclog meibomian glands and improve tear production.

  • By addressing both the symptoms and root causes of DED, EyeXpress provides more comprehensive and longer-lasting relief compared to MGE.

Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to learn if EyeXpress is the right treatment for you. Our Calgary Eye Doctors are more than happy to give you a recommendation for your dry eye problems.

Choosing the Right Treatment

While both MGE and EyeXpress have their roles in managing dry eye disease, here's why EyeXpress stands out:

EyeXpress offers a comfortable experience with its use of gentle heat and massage instead of manual pressure. It targets both symptoms and underlying causes of DED, hence providing comprehensive relief.

However, it's essential to consult an experienced Optometrist at an Eye Clinic in Calgary. They can evaluate your condition and recommend a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs best.

EyeXpress vs Lipiflow: Choosing the Right Treatment Path

When it comes to non-invasive dry eye treatments, both EyeXpress and Lipiflow stand out as popular options. Each uses distinct device-guided technology to alleviate symptoms and address underlying causes of Dry Eye Disease (DED).

Understanding Lipiflow Treatment

Lipiflow applies a combination of controlled heat and intermittent pressure to the eyelids, aiming to unclog meibomian glands and restore normal function. It's an in-office procedure, usually completed within 12 minutes per eye. While this treatment has shown effectiveness in many patients, some may find the heat and pressure uncomfortable. Do a quick search to find a Calgary eye clinic near you that offers this treatment and give them a call to find out more information.

Exploring EyeXpress Treatment

On the other hand, EyeXpress offers a gentler approach with consistent warmth and a massaging action that targets the meibomian glands without causing discomfort. It's personalized to each patient's needs, which means treatment duration can vary but generally falls within a similar timeframe to Lipiflow.

Key Features of Each Treatment

Here are the key features of each treatment option:


  • Uses controlled heat and pressure

  • 12-minute in-office procedure

  • May cause discomfort due to heat and pressure


  • Utilizes consistent warmth and gentle massaging action

  • Personalized treatment duration

  • Generally more comfortable for patients

Choosing the Right Treatment Option

While both methods aim to improve tear production by enhancing meibomian gland function, their approach differs significantly. The choice between the two largely depends on individual comfort levels, severity of symptoms, and desired outcomes. The experienced Calgary Optometrists at our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall are well-equipped to guide patients in making an informed decision that best suits their unique needs.

As we continue exploring advanced treatments for DED at our eye clinic, we remain committed to exploring solutions like EyeXpress that combine cutting-edge technology with personalized care.


The search for effective dry eye solutions leads us to the forefront of ocular innovation, with EyeXpress dry eye treatment standing out as a ray of hope for those suffering from Dry Eye Disease (DED). Multiple Calgary Eye Clinics have it as an option. This advanced therapy is carefully administered by qualified Calgary Optometrists who combine their expertise with this cutting-edge technology to ensure patients not only find relief but also see an improvement in their eye health.

For anyone eager to break free from the constant dryness and irritation, we invite you to schedule a thorough evaluation at our modern eye clinic. Here, the journey toward clear and comfortable vision begins, with EyeXpress poised as a potential key part of your personalized treatment plan.

At the core of our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall is a strong commitment:

  • To remain leaders in dry eye management.

  • To offer innovative treatments like EyeXpress that lead to lasting comfort and improved quality of life.

  • To provide care that fits each patient's unique needs, ensuring the best results possible.

Dry eyes don't have to make life dull in Calgary. Get in touch today to find out how our team can help you achieve long-lasting relief and clarity. Contact us today—your vision deserves nothing less than the best solutions we have to offer. Call our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall for a walk-in eye exam for dry eyes. Alberta Health Care covers this eye exam cost in Calgary, thus taking you one step closer to dry eye relief.


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