Experienced Eye Doctors From Our Eye Clinic In Southcentre Mall Calgary Explain Your Glasses: A Guide to Lens Designs and Coatings

So you’ve gotten your eyes checked by one of the best Optometrists at a Calgary Eye Clinic. Now what?! With glasses prescription in hand it’s time to turn the paper into real glasses to put on. But, what’s this talk about a transition, is that a progressive lens? People get scared when they hear bifocals and they shy away from them. Explore this article with your trusted Calgary Eye Doctors to discover what your options are. Understand what the glasses place near you is offering for options on the lenses beforehand so you can be prepared for that conversation with their eye expert. If you’ve ever wondered why glasses come in so many different types, this article is just for you! Let's dive into the world of glasses designs and coatings together to uncover the mystery behind those lenses sitting on your nose! Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to see prescription glasses options and explore affordable eye care.

Common Single Vision Lens Discussions with Calgary Optometrists

Imagine you're wearing a pair of glasses that are super focused on one thing, like reading a book or watching a movie. That's what single vision lenses do – they're laser-focused on either near vision (like reading) or distance vision (like seeing far away).
These lenses are perfect if you have one main vision problem, like trouble seeing things up close (which is called nearsightedness) or trouble seeing things far away (which is called farsightedness). They're like your trusty sidekick, always there to help you see clearly no matter what you're doing. This style of prescription glasses is probably one of the most common prescription glasses that Calgary Optometrists discuss. They are usually the first step to clearing up blurry vision that patients experience if it’s not an emergency eye exam. Our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic also offers walk-in eye exams for comprehensive eye exams like this to help you clear up your vision, and get into an affordable pair of prescription glasses right away. The eye exam cost in Calgary for such appointments averages between $130 to $160, but our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall offers them for only $99. Even better news exists regarding eye exam costs in Calgary for seniors and children, as their eye exam cost is covered under Alberta Health Care. Essentially making it a free eye exam if you are eligible.
If you need help seeing things both up close and far away, single vision lenses might not be enough. That's where progressive prescription glasses and bifocal prescription glasses come in!

Progressive Lens Recommendations from Multiple Calgary Eye Clinics Near You

Now, picture a pair of glasses that can do it all – see up close, far away, and everything in between – without you having to switch glasses. That's the magic of progressive lenses!
These lenses are like having multiple glasses all in one! They seamlessly transition from near to far vision, with no visible lines or breaks. In other words, the glasses prescription changes from one set of glasses into another as you move your eyes! So, whether you're reading a book, driving a car, or chatting with friends across the room, progressive lenses have got you covered.
But here's the cool part: progressive lenses aren't just for older folks with blurry vision. They're also great for anyone who wants the convenience of one pair of glasses for all their activities! Anti-Fatigue Lenses are what we give to young scholars in the making, or grad students grinding away at their textbooks! These relaxing lenses give the wearer just an extra bit of relief and comfort so they can save their energy to read and think about their work, instead of using up all their strength to keep the words focused!
Sometimes even the best Calgary Optometrist gets the following: but Doc, I really just want something for working at my computer and for reading. I have to do both of these at the same time sitting at a desk all day long!

Well, your best Calgary Optometrist won’t forget about you either! Progressives are just so versatile we can turn them into an Occupational Progressive! These don’t work very well for looking down the hallway anymore as the top portion of the lens is dedicated for a much closer distance. This is a great option for computer glasses and a blue filter may be something to consider in them as well. Ask the eye experts at your Calgary Eye Clinic about this option if you are someone who has vision problems while doing a lot of computer work.
So whether you're a kid, a teen, or a grown-up, progressive lenses can be your new best friend. Don’t hesitate to visit our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic to discover what options we have for affordable glasses. You would be pleasantly surprised even when you compare pricing with glasses online in Canada.

Progressive Options At Glasses Places In Calgary

Wow, that was already a lot to take in! Maybe all this talk of Progressive Lenses, Anti-Fatigue Lenses and Occupational Progressives is just mixing together into a word salad. What about Bifocals or Transitions? Aren’t Transitions the same as Progressives too? Let’s untangle this together, shall we?
Bifocal lenses are like having ONLY two separate pairs of glasses in one – one for seeing up close and one for seeing far away. This is a limitation of these prescription glasses. But those lines can be annoying and make your glasses look old-fashioned. But, what about when you work with your hands at your arm’s length? Or even trying to see your dashboard when driving? That’s somewhere in-between and that just doesn’t jive with bifocals!
That's why progressive lenses are so cool – they get rid of those lines and give you clear vision at all distances. Plus, they're way more stylish and modern-looking than bifocals. If you want to upgrade your glasses game and see the world in style, progressive lenses are the way to go!
First step we recommend is doing a search for the best Calgary Optometrist near you. Then book a walk-in eye exam with them. If they mention you need prescription glasses for reading and distance, start to consider progressive lenses. Do a bit of research on the best Calgary Eye Clinic or glasses place near you and head over for a thorough discussion with their Calgary eye experts.

Common Lens Coatings Used By Our Eye Clinic In Southcentre Mall Calgary

Let's talk about another cool thing you can add to your glasses – lens coatings! These coatings do all sorts of awesome stuff to make your glasses even better.
One popular coating is called anti-reflective coating. Have you ever noticed how sometimes your glasses can make weird reflections or glare? That's where anti-reflective coating comes in handy. It helps reduce glare and makes your vision clearer, especially at night or when you're using screens.
Another cool coating is scratch-resistant coating. Let's face it – glasses can take a beating sometimes, whether they're getting bumped around in your backpack or accidentally dropped on the floor. Scratch-resistant coating helps keep your lenses looking nice and new for longer, so you don't have to worry about scratches getting in the way of your vision. Our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall makes these options affordable for your prescription glasses so you don’t have to make sacrifices.

Why Top Calgary Optometrists Recommend UV Protection Like Prescription Sunglasses

First things first, what's UV anyway? Well, it stands for ultraviolet, which is a type of light that comes from the sun. UV rays can be sneaky – you can't see them, but they can still hurt your eyes if you're not careful. And, if you’re a local reader nearby our Southcentre Mall Calgary Eye Clinic, it’s doubly important to have protection from UV! Calgary gets the most sun hours a year compared to other cities in the country!
There are three main types of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA rays can cause your skin to age faster, while UVB rays can give you sunburns. Thankfully, most of these rays are blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, but some still sneak through and can reach your eyes.
So, how do you protect your peepers from these pesky UV rays? That's where your glasses come in! You can get special coatings on your lenses that act like sunscreen for your eyes. These coatings block out most of the harmful UV rays, keeping your eyes safe and happy.
And remember those transition lenses we talked about earlier? They're like the chameleons of the glasses world! When you're outside in the sun, they darken to protect your eyes from UV rays. But when you come back inside, they lighten back up again. It's like having sunglasses and regular glasses all in one! There are many prescription glasses options for sunglasses in Calgary. It’s best if you head over to a Calgary Eye Clinic near you and chat with their experienced Eye Doctor about a recommendation.


Now, you might be wondering – do I really need all these fancy coatings on my glasses? Well, it depends on your lifestyle and how you use your glasses. If you spend a lot of time outdoors or in front of screens, UV protection and anti-reflective coating can be super helpful.
And if you're prone to dropping your glasses or if you want them to last as long as possible, scratch-resistant coating is definitely your best friend. It's like giving your glasses a suit of armour to protect them from everyday bumps and scrapes. Well, there you have it folks. You know about the different lens designs and the coatings we can use to give extra benefits to your glasses. It’s quite the job even outside of the exam room isn’t it! That’s why you can rely on your trusty South Calgary Optometrists and our eye care team to sort out the details with you in case you have anymore questions about your glasses! Visit our Eye Clinic in Southcentre Mall to book a walk-in eye exam and look at prescription glasses, or if you are just looking to get some advice from one of our experienced Calgary Eye Doctors.


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